Rabu, 12 Juni 2013


Human Development Index (HDI) / Human Development Index (HDI) Indonesia each year fluctuates, but the shift stick at low levels (hundreds). It's ironic development amid claims of success by SBY. Based on the latest report, April 2012 (Media. June 2012), Indonesia ranks 117 out of 177 countries surveyed. Indonesia ranked always lose from Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Brunei and Singapore especially, we are far behind.

HDI indicators include measurements of three aspects namely, the development of health, education, and economics. Variable is the average life expectancy, the average length of the school, and income per capita. The third fundamental variable in determining the success of IPM correlated with indicators of macro development. A regional (provincial) or the country as a whole is impossible to claim construction is successful when the HDI is low. If the claims of the government's success so far is not parallel with the increasing value of HDI surveyed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), then the claim is regarded by the public as pepesan empty, a mere imagery.
Should the government have to work harder so that we HDI is an indication of increasing population welfare of this country, and does not claim that the government has managed to bring the increasingly prosperous population when in fact the welfare of the increasingly steep decline, increasing poverty, low life expectancy increasing , the average long-added schools down, and the lower the per capita income.

Disparities between the provinces in particular provinces in Papua with other provinces increasingly sharp. For example, the numbers do not / have not been to school in Papua was 38.38 percent, and in West Papua there is 10.96 percent (the 2010 population census, BPS). As the region is rich in natural resources, it should be in the heartbreaking fact that Papua should not happen. Security turmoil in Papua lately also helped inhibit the improvement of the quality of human development in the region, and could be due to disparities in development outcomes makes some communities in Papua to break away from Indonesia, because it is considered government has failed welfare of the people of Papua, while natural resources Papua is very abundant, indeed irony.

In the education sector, based on HDI Indonesia in 2011 contributed 0.584 points, meaning that the average length of the school year measured 5.8 on the population aged 25 years and over. So the average Indonesian population aged 25 years and over in this country in 2011 only had elementary sixth grade. Again, this is a sad fact.

Current government efforts, indeed, be counted in the HDI several years to come. To increase the average length of the school government announced a 12-year compulsory education, through high school. Stub government efforts to expand access to high school education by providing funds BOS at the high school level should be appreciated, although the numbers are still very small in the amount Rp.125.000, - per student / year.

Efforts by the government to expand access to learning, which implies to increase the average length of study is often not in line with the policy at the level of technical and operational units, namely school. School, by the public, are still regarded as a barrier to the expansion of access to compulsory education. School assessed many people have been stuck on the commercialization, and the reach of the community can not afford. When the school tuition free up money, with BOS compensation, other expenses as personal expenses can not be paid by the parents. Cost of uniforms, books, tutoring, transportation, extracurricular, building maintenance, and other costs not covered parents.

If the indication of the success of the education sector is based solely on the HDI, where the determining variable for education was only average length of the school it will set us on a quantitative orientation. Should be efforts to increase the average length of the school is also accompanied by efforts to improve education qualitatively. Based on the survey of Political and Economic Risk Consultant (PERC), the quality of education in Indonesia was ranked 12th out of 12 countries in Asia. Indonesia's position is under Vietnam.

The issue of improving the quality of education is the hardest work that had to be done by any government in power. Orientation of our education is still "orientation quantity" should start enforcing "quality orientation". Empowerment schools have consistently performed by the government. Government intervention in the learning process too must be reduced. National Exam (UN) as one example of government intervention in the school evaluation system should be reviewed. Manipulation of the UN in the field of education was rated by many observers as the culprit of the decline of quality of our education.

Efforts to improve the HDI of the health sector should be aimed at improving the quality of public health services. Health sector variables in the HDI is the average life expectancy, which at 69.4 years in 2011, is still lagging behind our neighboring countries Malaysia, 74.2 years. Health care program for poor families through community health insurance (Assurance) and Delivery Guarantee (Jampersal) in 2012, the government allocated Rp 7.4 trillion is expected to be the door to increase the average life expectancy of the population of Indonesia. Never again appear funny but painful slogan is "prohibited poor people sick". The slogan that appears on people's concerns will be the high cost of health services in this country.

Improving the quality of public health, is closely linked with the economic ability. Per capita income of the population is an indicator of economic sectors in the HDI. However, when per capita income is calculated in the average rate while the uneven economic equality in all areas of the country, then the per capita income figures would be false figures.

If the government beritikat increase income per capita of the population, the orientation is the empowerment of micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs), and cooperatives. Because the actors of the sector is relatively large numbers, based on the publication of the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia totaled 51.3 million units in the business, a sizeable number. And, the SME sector and cooperatives, in addition to a large number also their resistance to the crisis stronger, thus empowering the sector more secure and will be impacted directly on increasing people's income in lower middle layer.

If we only rely on the government, and the people just stand by without taking part and making them persistent then strenuous efforts to improve the quality of Indonesian human (IPM) will fail miserably, we must come together to build this country. We will definitely be parallel or even surpass other countries. Hopefully.

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