Jumat, 31 Mei 2013


By: Wahyudi Oetomo

All children in this country is the future asset of this nation in the future. And all of them would agree that all children in this country should grow natural and healthy, physically and mentally. None of the parents were willing to let their children take responsibility for the family's needs. Although in the end, some parents "forced" to let their children participate to support their families due to the inability of parents to meet the economic needs of the family.

Child labor , referring to the workers under the age of 18 years. Child labor grows due to the inability of parents to meet the economic needs of the family. Most of the growth of child labor because of poverty. The greater the number of child laborers in the country. it could be an indication that the poverty rate in this country is also high. According to data from the National Commission for Child Protection, the number of child workers in Indonesia in 2010, about 3.5 million children, according to BPS data, while there are about 4 million children aged 7 to 18 tender had to work to meet the economic needs of their families. Workers' children are included throughout the territory of Indonesia, which is spread in an area where workers such as ports, industrial, mining, plantation, and households.

If the poverty rate in the country continues to rise, the effort to reduce or even eliminate child labor is very difficult (if not to say impossible). Task reduce and eliminate child labor formally exists in the government, but if it is not supported by others who come into contact with child labor problems, then this business will be very hard for the government.
In 2011, the government is targeting as many as 3,360 child labor can be drawn from the workplace. Manpower and Transmigration Minister Muhaimin Iskandar in a meeting with House of Representatives Commission IX says: "I declare warning to companies and parents who employ children. Was a clear warning, we warn once again, those who violate will be dealt with according to law."

According to the minister, the government is committed to eliminate child labor. This commitment is seen with both the ratification of ILO Convention (International Labour Organisation) No. 138 concerning the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment and No. 182 concerning the Prohibition and Immediate action is the elimination of the Worst Forms of Child. In addition to the technical content of the substance of the two ILO Conventions contained in Law No. 13 Year 2003 on Manpower. Therefore, the offenders could be snared Labor Law (Law no. 13 of 2003) and the Law on Ratification of the ILO Convention on the Worst Job for children (Act No.20 of 1999 and Law No. 1., 2000) or the Law Violence Household.

Then, whether just giving warning to the parent company and, under penalty of severe child labor problems can easily be solved? If the growth of child labor merely exploiting children to acquire economic interests, because the wages of child labor is much cheaper than adult workers, then eradicate child labor will be easy to do. But, if the growth of child labor because of the demands of meeting the needs of the stomach, then the issue of child labor is not sufficiently resolved by way of giving a warning and a threat to the company and the parents who encourage the practice of child labor.

When parents do not have the option to meet the economic needs of families in addition to employing children is traded child (Child trafficking). Both forms of exploitation of children should indeed be stopped. Reason for poverty is not a justification to exploit children, so that his future will be dark, especially since the children did not have a chance to get a good education.
Raise awareness about the importance of giving space for children to grow and develop in a healthy and reasonable, to parents who came from poor families must always be done by the government through the relevant agencies, or by non-governmental organizations, so that children grow into healthy, independent, and must be skilled without child labor.

Important efforts to reduce the increasing number of child laborers in the country is the education world through touch. School world through intense teacher can provide insight especially to students who come from disadvantaged families in order to always maintain the spirit to go to school. Schools should always strive to make the students do not drop out of school, especially for reasons of inability to pay school fees.

Planting awareness to parents so as not to force a child to share the economic burden of the family should be done periodically through counseling intense in pockets of poverty, this can be done by the government through social services, or by the child protection commission. Involvement of non-governmental organizations which are concerned with saving child's future should also be performed. Despite efforts to remove child labor practices at all is impossible for poverty whack job part of our society, but efforts to reduce child labor in the country must still be done with a vengeance. All children in this country must grow and develop naturally, and obtain the optimal educational services. This effort should be made by all of us, because of the problem of child labor is a problem we all.

Kamis, 30 Mei 2013

Tes Potensi Akademik

Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) pada umumnya juga sering di ujikan dalam proses penerimaan karyawan atau pegawai baru di sebuah perusahaan. Berbeda dengan psikotes, tes ini bertujuan untuk mengukur dan mengetahui kemampuan seseorang di bidang akademik dan pengetahuan umum lainnya. Melalui tes postensi akademik (TPA) maka akan dapat diketahui tingkat kecerdasan seseorang atau calon karyawan dan pegawai baru.

Disamping calon karyawan baru sering gagal atau tidak lulus psikotes, pada tahap tes potensi akademik juga demikian. Hal ini biasanya di sebabkan oleh kurangnya persiapan untuk melatih diri sebelum tes potensi akademik diselenggarakan, atau hal lain diluar itu. Untuk lulus tes potensi akademik, modal utama yang harus kita miliki adalah kesehatan kemudian persiapan, persiapan yang saya maksud disini adalah melatih diri dengan soal tes potensi akademik. Untuk melatinya, anda dapat membeli ebook atau buku tes postensi akademik baik itu dari internet atau dari gramedia dan toko buku terdekat.

Tes Potensi Akademik yang dilakukan di Indonesia ini juga identik dengan tes GRE dan GMAT yang menjadi standar internasional. Saat ini, Tes Potensi Akademik merupakan salah satu tes standar menerimaan di perguruan tinggi untuk jenjang S2 dan S3. Bahkan skarang SMPTN pun pake Tes TPA serta salah satu tes yang diujikan dalam rekrutmen penerimaan tenaga kerja baru. Selain itu, tes potensi akademi (TPA) juga digunakan sebagai tes standar penyaringan calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS), maupun pegawai swasta. Bahkan kenaikan pangkat setingkat manajer atau team leader juga seringkali mempersyaratkan tes TPA dengan skor minimum tertentu.

Pada umumnya tes potensi akademik (TPA) terdiri dari:

1. Tes Gambar terdiri dari:
  • Tes Padanan Hubungan Gambar
  • Tes Seri Gambar
  • Tes Pengelompokan Gambar
  • Tes Bayangan Cermin
  • Tes Identifikasi Potongan Gambar

2. Tes Angka terdiri dari:
  • Tes Aritmetik
  • Tes Seri Angka
  • Tes Seri Huruf
  • Tes Logika Angka
  • Tes Angka Dalam Cerita

3. Tes Logika terdiri dari:
  • Tes Logika Umum
  • Tes Logika Analisa Pernyataan dan Kesimpulan
  • Tes Logika Cerita
  • Tes Logika Diagram

4. Tes Verbal mencakup
  • Tes Sinonim
  • Tes Antonim
  • Tes Padanan Hubungan
  • Tes Pengelompokan Kata

Skor tes potensi akademik/TPA masing-masing penyelenggara mempunyai kriteria sendiri, namun TPA/TKU yang telah umum dipergunakan dan diakui secara internasional yaitu yang diselenggarakan oleh OTO Bappenas yang bekerjasama dengan beberapa perguruan tinggi ternama di dalam negeri. Skor tersebut antara 200 s/d 800 dimana yang paling rendah adalah 200 dan paling tertinggi (apabila jawaban benar semua) adalah 800. Seseorang dinilai mempunyai kemampuan rata-rata bila mampu mencapai skor 500 (mean). Skor tes potensi akademik yang diterbitkan OTO Bappenas berlaku hingga 2 th (dua tahun) sejak tanggal tes, dan tidak dapat diperpanjang kecuali yang bersangkutan mengikuti tes TPA kembali. Materi soal tes potensi akademik terdiri dari 3 subtest yang masing-masing subtest memiliki nilai antara 20 sampai dengan 80, sehingga nilai/skor total didapat dari penjumlahan skor ketiga subtest tersebut dibagi 3 dan dikalikan 10.

Tips Lulus dan Persiapan Tes Potensi Akademik

  1. Satu minggu atau sebulan sebelum ujian tes potensi akademik berlangsung berlatihlah soal-soal mengenai tes potensi akademik/TPA sebanyak mungkin, baik itu melalui ebook atau buku yang Anda beli, dan patuhilah batasan waktu dalam mengerjakan TPA sesuai arahan yang tertulis. Jika anda tidak mematuhi batasan waktu tersebut, anda akan terbiasa mengerjakannya dengan santai dan dalam waktu yang lama. Latihan soal-soal TPA sebanyak-banyaknya akan membuat anda akrab dengan berbagai jenis dan model soal yang kemungkinan keluar dalam tes potensi akademik yang sebenarnya.
  2. Dalam tes potensi akademik/TPA, tes angka yang diberikan umumnya adalah angka-angka yang bisa dikerjakan tanpa harus menggunakan rumus-rumus matematika tertentu yang rumit. Oleh sebab itu, tidak perlu anda menghafal berbagai macam rumus-rumus matematika yang rumit untuk menghadapi tes TPA, karena akan membebani anda saja, yang diperlukan adalah logika berpikir terstruktur serta kecepatan dan ketepatan saat menjawab soal.
  3. Saat anda mengerjakan soal-soal TPA, kondisikan diri anda dalam keadaan yang konsentrasi tapi rileks, dan tidak tegang.
  4. Sebelum mulai mengerjakan, lihatlah jumlah soal dan jumlah waktu yang diberikan. Lalu hitunglah berapa alokasi waktu persoal. Misalkan persoal, anda punya waktu 30 detik, maka kerjakanlah masing-masing soal maksimal dalam waktu 25 detik saja. Sisa 5 detik ini penting untuk mengerjakan soal-soal yang terlewati atau masih ragu-ragu dalam jawaban. Jika dalam waktu 25 detik, anda tidak mampu menemukan jawabannya, lewati saja dan beralih pada soal berikutnya. Ingat, dengarkanlah seluruh instruksi yang disampaikan oleh panitia penyelenggara dengan seksama. Sehingga Anda dapat paham terhadap mengerjakan soal tes.
  5. Selain mematuhi alokasi waktu per soal, upayakan pula menabung waktu. Jika dalam mengerjakan satu soal anda hanya membutuhkan 23 detik, maka anda dapat menabung 7 detik. Ini sangat penting artinya di saat-saat akhir. Karena anda akan sangat memerlukan waktu untuk mengulangi soal yang terlewati, soal yang masih ragu-ragu jawabannya, dan meneliti ulang lembar jawaban apakah arsiran pensilnya sudah hitam sempurna.
  6. Jika anda menemukan soal yang bentuknya belum pernah anda temukan sebelumnya dan anda belum tahu bagaimana mengerjakan soal tersebut, maka jangan ambil pusing, lewati saja, dan fokuskan kepada soal berikutnya. Hal ini dilakukan agar lebih mengefesienkan waktu yang terus berjalan.
  7. Jangan pilih kasih terhadap soal tertentu, semua soal adalah sama bobot nilainya. Oleh karena itu, setiap soal mendapatkan alokasi jatah waktu yang sama. Kerjakan saja soal yang Anda ketahui, jika Anda sudah siap mengerjakan soal yang anda ketahui tersebut dan sisa waktu masih ada, kembali ke soal yang belum dapat Anda jawab untuk mengetahui jawabannya.
  8. Berdasarkan penelitian ilmiah, kondisi psikis, mental dan kinerja otak memiliki hubungan erat. Jika kondisi psikis tenang, maka otak anda berada pada gelombang tertentu yang sangat kondusif untuk berpikir secara optimal. Oleh sebab itu, sebelum melaksanakan tes TPA,berdoalah sesuai dengan kepercayaan masing-masing dengan keyakinan bahwasannya Anda dapat lulus dalam tes potensi akademik ini.
  9. Lakukanlah sugesti kepada diri Anda sendiri dengan penuh emosional sebelum berlangsungnya tes potensi akademik, dengan mengatakan kepada diri Anda "Aku Bisa". Kalimat tersebut sangat powerfull yang dapat membangkitkan seluruh kekuatan mental dan fikiran Anda untuk berhasil dalam tes tersebut.
  10. Pada poin yang kesepuluh ini merupakan poin yang krusial dan sepele yang sering sekali dilupakan, yaitu 1 hari sebelum berangkat kelokasi dimana tes potensi akademik berlangsung, survey lokasi tempat tes dan ruangan Anda. Kemudian setelah itu persiapkan juga peralatan tulis-menulis yang dibutuhkan.

Tips lulus tes potensi akademik diatas bukanlah penjamin seratus persen atas kelulusan Anda, karena yang menentukan kelulusan itu adalah Anda sendiri yang disetujui oleh Tuhan atas besarnya persiapan yang Anda lakukan. Saya hanya membantu Anda, berdasarkan pengalaman yang telah saya lewati sebelumnya. Ingat, "Persiapan adalah Kunci dari Segala Keberhasilan"

Sumber : http://superblogpedia.blogspot.com

Contoh Soal TPA disini
             Kunci Jawaban disini

Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

PKS tidak akan Mati

Saya bukan kader PKS (Partai Keadilan Sejahtera), namun dari dulu saya simpati dengan PKS hingga sekarang. Prolog ini perlu saya tulis karena khawatir saya dituduh menjadi sangat subyektif terhadap PKS karena orang PKS.

Ketika PKS, yang awalnya bernama Partai Keadilan (PK), muncul dalam kontestasi pemilu 2004 saya sama sekali tidak tertarik dengan kehadirannya. Namun, saat mulai mengamati pergerakan partai tersebut, simpati itu mulai tumbuh. Seandainya tidak ada larangan bagi seorang PNS untuk terlibat secara aktif dalam partai politik maka saya tertarik untuk bergabung ke dalam PKS. Tapi karena saya seorang PNS, maka saya hanya bisa melihat dari jauh segala dinamika partai dakwah ini.

Saat partai ini, sekarang dihujat habis-habisan oleh masyarakat karena elit partai terseret kasus dugaan suap kuota impor daging sapi, saya jadi mengelus dada. Saya masih belum yakin Ustadz Lutfi tersangkut kasus itu. Memang tidak ada manusia yang sempurna, namun keyakinan saya bahwa politisi PKS adalah orang-orang yang taat pada perintah Allah SWT hingga kini belum bergeser. Bila Ahmad Fathanah adalah benar-benar kader PKS, saya yakin dia tidak akan melakukan ini semua.

Saya masih yakin bahwa kader PKS masih solid. Dan akan semakin solid menghadapi gempuran yang dilakukan secara sistematis oleh orang-orang yang tidak menyukai PKS. Bila ada pengamat yang memprediksi bahwa PKS akan "habis" pada pemilu 2014, maka prediksi itu akan sulit terbukti. Kader setia PKS tidak akan lari dari PKS dan akan bahu membahu memperbaiki citra partai. Dan bila ternyata ustadz LHI tidak terbukti menerima uang suap dalam proses peradilan, maka PKS akan semakin eksis. Saya juga masih yakin, kasus suap impor daging tidak akan membuat PKS mati.

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013

Simbol-simbol Emotion dalam SMS dan Chat

Universal emotion
:-) atau :) = Senang / tersenyum.                     :-( atau : ( = Sedih / kecewa
: - 0 atau : - o = Terkejut/ heran                       :- @ = Berteriak
:- < = Sedih sekali                                           :- || = Marah
:-D = Tertawa                                                  :’-( = Menangis
;-) = Berkedip                                                  %-) = Bahagia --bingung
%-( = Sedih –bingung                                     :- / atau :- \ = Pikir-pikir
: P = Meledek

Kaomoji emotion
(^_^) atau (^-^) = Tersenyum                         (^0^) = Tertawa lebar
(^.^) = Senyum simpul                                    \(^0^0)/ = Bersorak riang
(^3^) = Berseru                                               (*^-^*) = Senyum malu, tersipu
(o^-^o) = Senyum merona                              ("-";) = Merasa terganggu
(-_-;;) = Gugup                                                f(^_^) = Garuk garu kepala
(T_T) = Menangis                                           ( ;_; ) = Menitikkan air mata
(" ~ ") = Manyun                                             (>_<) = Geram
(-_-#) = Marah                                                 (+_+) = BeTe
(x_x) = Pusing                                                 (x_x#) = Pusing habis dipukuli
(?_?)...??? = Bertanya-tanya dalam hati         (@_@) = Melotot, Heran
( _ _ )..zzZZ = Tidur                                       ( _ _ ")..zzZZ = Bosan sampai ketiduran
m( _ _ )m = Memohon                                    w(^ _ ^) = Mendengarkan
(*^3^) = Mencium                                          (*^.^*) = Dicium
(=_=) atau (#^ ^#) = Malu sampai tersipu-sipu
( _ _ ) ..ooOO = Bermimpi                              Ø(. .) = Menulis
((( (((;^ ^) = Berlari                                         C=C=(;' _') = Tergesa-gesa
(o_ _)o = Putus asa                                         (^ _^)d = Acungkan jempol
(^ _^)V = Tanda peace                                   (p^ ^)p = Ngajak brantem
y(^o^)y~~~ = Merokok

Link Latihan UKG 2013 Secara Online

Gunakan link-link berikut agar anda dapat mencoba berlatih menjawab beberapa soal secara online untuk menghadapi UKA 2013 / UKG 2013 dari ukgonline.com. Catatan: format tampilan soal bisa saja berbeda pada saat kawan guru mengikuti uji kompetensi yang sesungguhnya, tetapi paling tidak tampilan contoh uji kompetensi secara online sama persis dengan tampilan UKG 2012.

Soal-soal Persiapan Menghadapi UKA 2013

Download contoh-contoh soal untuk persiapan menghadapi UKA 2013 , lalu berlatihlah untuk menjawabnya.(sumber asli: mahir-tik.com dan penilaian-kinerja-guru.blogspot.com)

Berikut adalah kumpulan soal yang digunakan untuk latihan UKA 2013:

  • Download - Soal UKA Uji Kompetensi Pedagogik Guru Kelas SD
  • Download - Soal UKA Uji Kompetensi Pedagogik Dan Jawaban
  • Download - Soal UKA materi Uji Kompetensi Pedagogik
  • Download - Soal UKA tentang Kompetensi Kepribadian dan Sosial
  • Download - Soal UKA tentang Perundang-undangan
  • Download - Soal UKA tentang Model-model Pembelajaran Inovatif
  • Download - Soal UKA tentang Pengembangan Profesi Guru
  • Lihat Contoh - Soal UKA online Guru Penjas SD
  • Lihat Contoh - Soal UKA online Guru TK/PAUD
  • Lihat Contoh  - Soal UKA online Guru PAI SD
  • Lihat Contoh - Soal UKA Guru Kelas SD

Senin, 13 Mei 2013


When someone asks me, as an educator proud would you toward high school graduation rate reached 99.5%? Dependent. If the process of obtaining the graduation rate of 99.5% through an honest process, especially in the implementation of National Examination (UN) as the most important variable in determining graduation, then we will feel the graduation rate was fairly high. However, if the process of obtaining that figure is loaded with fraudulent practices, a sense of pride of course it was never there. 

Our education is experiencing disorientation, where the orientation of the education we are stuck on the orientation of the quantity, quality and marginalize orientation. Along with his school stakeholders trapped in a paradigm, that the measure of success lies in the educational praxis quantity indicator. Ranging from the governor to the school principal, each before the UN set a target of 100% graduation. If graduation rates do not add up to 100% is considered a disgrace. So what are the consequences? Everyone interested in the graduation target would justify any means to achieve the maximum level of graduation. And, this is the beginning of disaster destroyed the quality of national education. 

But, we need to continue to believe that there are still people who remain consistently maintained his idealism and honesty prefer to sow the learners rather than mortgaging the values ​​of honesty just to please his superiors and to impose 100% graduation. 

Equitable quality of education, through the mapping of national graduation rate is another implication of the importance of instilling honesty in the process of reaching the target graduation. If obtaining a passing score achieved by any means, the portrait of the mapping quality of education will be apparent. 

Based on data from the Ministry of Education and Culture, the rate of high school graduation / MA and SMK nationally achieved the lowest East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). Of the total number of students 36 228 participants, 34 304 students passed or 95.50 per cent, while as many as 1,994 students did not graduate. According to M. Noah, yet move NTT ranked the lowest percentage of graduation due to four factors of motivation, quality of teachers, infrastructure, and support the family. Therefore the government is trying to intervene with a variety of things including the provision of education funding. This year was nearly USD 200-300 billion in addition to the budgets of the common, said M.Nuh.Kemendikbud UN assumed took place clean so that the graduation is considered valid enough to map the quality of education nationwide.  

Though empirical fact is not so. Distribution of quality educational programs in the country if only passing reference to the nationally vulnerable misplaced. If the education ministry has not had another instrument to map the quality of education in addition to graduation rates, prepare a map that will be a blur map not give any description. "The function of the national exam (UN) to map the success of education in Indonesia is not running since the UN came into force in 2004", says education expert from the Bandung Institute of Technology, Iwan Pranoto (www.antaranews.com). 

Had UN only serves as a mapping tool and does not function as a dominant variable in determining graduation, then the hope of obtaining a more accurate result of the portrait of education in this country will be gained. If all education stakeholders who have an interest in the results of the UN and graduation still justify any means to obtain maximum results while the UN is no longer a tool of graduation, then doomsday our education. 

Parents are smart in choosing their child's school course will not only see the school graduation rate. Useless high school graduation rate and average honing his UN-10, if the school is not the process quality. Measuring the process of a school can be seen from the existence of facilities and pre-school facilities, as well as the achievements of the school in a variety of events both in academic and academic competitions. Sell ​​graduation rates are often conducted by private schools to attract prospective students. The smart parent will certainly not be easily persuaded, especially the school facility infrastructure facilities minimal. 

In addition to quality issues, the education we are facing a problem of moral decline in the quality of the learners. Actions violate the rules and norms of society after graduation announcement is a routine that is always repeated every year. World school is deemed to have failed to score a sublime character of human beings. Excessive expression of joy after graduation announcements, raises the assumption that the school is considered a "prison" that impede learners. So that, when they passed, although with no honest way, they express it with excessive and beyond the limits of the rules, new tub freed from prison. 

Expression of excitement passing by our learners increasingly make our hearts sad. Violation of traffic, drug binge, drinking, and sex parties we often hear when graduation announcements. Obviously it means primitive and unintelligent. And, school assignment prevent these actions together with the parents, and law enforcement officials. Planting character education through curriculum integration is one way to ward off bad behavior and violate the norms of our learners. However, if the investment turned out to be inconsistent character in schools, such as teaching learners honest but rather the school provide answers leaked UN planting character then it would be useless. This consistency should continue to apply outside of school, do not let schools teach noble character, while we see a variety of learners outside of school social deviance, eg official corruption, robbery, murder and other social aberrations. 

Finally, when it's time to restore educational praxis on track. Orientation must be returned in their basic education that is quality. Impose a 100% graduation rate kondrat deny humanity. Although M.Nuh, the Education Minister, once said "all parties should not be forced to obtain the results of National Examination (UN) passed 100 per cent". But, if everyone who has an interest in the graduation rate will obey the words of Noah's pack. During the graduation rate could become a political commodity head region, the graduation rate will continue to be forced to close to 100%. The principals are more afraid to head to the region of the Minister of Education. If instructed regional heads seek school graduation 100%, then all principals will have the same motto "100% pass". If this condition continues maintained, then the deterioration of our education will be eternal.

Improving the Quality of Education Without RSBI

            Decision deletion stubs International Standard School (RSBI) by the Constitutional Court (MK) will inevitably lead to the pros and cons, depending on who is looking at her. For organizers RSBI schools, surely the decision against his conscience, oppose limited in my heart because if physically oppose certainly will not be done for fear considered unlawful. RSBI organizers already are in a comfort zone in a relatively long time, especially the facilities and funding, so the news is granted by the Court demands removal RSBI upset many schools with RSBI label. Meanwhile, those who oppose the existence of the initial SBI / RSBI welcomed the decision of the Court.
When in 2011 the government announced that the government stop issuing new permits pioneering international school (RSBI) and the government is evaluating 1,329 elementary, junior high, and high school / vocational status RSBI whose licenses granted in 2006-2010 gave a signal to the community and education observers at the time that there is something wrong in the management of RSBI. Ministry of National Education (MONE) found the use of budgetary irregularities by international school (RSBI). In fact, 50 percent of the budget in RSBI been abused (Okezone.com/14/3/2011).RSBI deletion will not affect the government's efforts to increase the quality of national education, because most of the schools that berlebel RSBI already from the beginning is featured schools in their respective regions. It is too much to have the opinion that if the quality of education will be deleted RSBI decreased significantly.This country requires a good quality school and on par with other countries, so there is no longer the parents who choose to send their children to Malaysia just because they think schools in Indonesia there is no quality. If the school management with RSBI models were considered had failed to improve the quality of education especially in the field of educational equity, to look for a new model school system that is able to improve the quality of education on an international scale and does not violate the law. Need to study before realizing that the desire of creating a school based on the delivery of international quality education so that does not happen again as RSBI removal cases.There are fears the former state schools RSBI / SBI will not compete with private schools which implement international schools by way of cooperation with overseas schools. Trend revival of private schools in the quality of public schools is enough to make the former RSBI need to work hard to remain the top choice of parents to educate their children. There is an interesting phenomenon in recent years of the existence of private schools, especially those based on religion, especially in large cities, began to be the first choice of parents to send their children, although they had to indent with very expensive for most people. Does this mean, any public school labeled now no longer attractive to parents, especially those that are economically at the level of the upper middle? Or, just because of the content and packaging that schools provide enough servings charges of religious faith with the intention of providing sustenance for their students, which makes the parents are interested in?If you look at what was said by the former Deputy Minister of Education, Fasli Road in 2011 was interesting. Fasli Jalal said, RSBI receives funding from the central government, provincial, and fees from parents. However, the budget is not used in accordance with the government, which is to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process as well as the quality of the teaching force. This is with the aim that students who attend school in RSBI be more qualified students than schools nationwide.
Appropriate evaluation conducted some time ago by the Ministry of National Education, RSBI use these funds to improve classroom, laboratory building, installing air conditioners, and put up a fence or gate of the school to beautify the outside of the building looks than the quality of teaching. "Though funds for the physical is not trimmed. I hope that government money was used for quality, a new physical. It also must be selected first what is very important to be repaired, "said Fasli Jalal. Obviously this is one justification why RSBI need to be removed.If distortion organizing RSBI true, there are many deviations management, particularly the management of the funds, it would not make a removal RSBI education will be worse, it could be that this is the beginning of the rise of national education, because education has been abolished discrimination. Smart kids but are not able to return the economy to have the opportunity to choose the school they prefer.When labels RSBI been taken, then what justification so that schools do not need to think about the quality of school? If the former RSBI schools are committed to continue to maintain quality schools without having to rely on labels RSBI and gelontoran walimurid funds from the government and then hopes to create a national education quality would not be difficult. Moreover, most of the facilities and infrastructure of the school has met the standards and complete, well supported by teachers who had completed an average of S-2, it is not enough reason when ex RSBI schools are not able to conduct quality school. And, it is unlikely walimurid reclaim the school facility is the result of their donation.Hopefully RSBI removal policy by the Court is not regarded as an act of burning barns as found there was a rat in the barn. RSBI former budget surplus of the state budget if not monitored carefully, have the potential to rat gnawed. Education Minister plans to allocate funds for competitive grants proram KKN vulnerable. Therefore, if the program is actually going to be realized it is necessary to define the criteria of transparency in the grant recipient schools. If I need to hold an independent agency to oversee accountability. Time for us to improve the quality of national education without RSBI.

Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

Daftar Harga Tablet Mei 2013

Buat anda yang berencana membeli tablet terbaru, tidak ada salahnya jika anda mengecek harga tablet PC terkini di Indonesia. Mungkin saja anda berminat membeli tablet Android dengan harga terjangkau + fitur mantap atau tablet yang bisa dipakai untuk bermain game!. Berikut daftar harga dan spesifikasi tablet pc terbaru update 1 Mei 2013.
Merek Tablet
Spesifikasi Tablet
Harga Baru
Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 N5100
Exynos 4412, Quad-core 1.6 GHz Cortex-A9 GPU Mali-400MP Sensors Accelerometer, TFT capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels 8.0", 16GB, 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.1.2 (Jelly Bean)
Rp. 5.499.000
Apple iPad mini Wi-Fi 4G 16GB
Apple A5, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, GPU PowerVR SGX543MP2 Sensors Accelerometer, gyro, compass, LED-backlit IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 768x1024 pixels, 7.9", 16 GB, 512MB RAM, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, Camera, iOS 6
Rp. 5.300.000
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0 P3110
TI OMAP 4430, CPU Dual-core 1 GHz, GPU PowerVR SGX540, PLS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 600x1024 pixels, 7.0", 8 GB storage, 1 GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.0.4 (Ice Cream Sandwich), upgradabl
Rp 2.000.000
Acer Iconia Tab B1
Dual Core 1.2 GHz, MTK 6577, TFT capacitive touchscreen, 600x1024 pixels, 7.0", 8 GB storage, 512 MB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.1 (Jelly Bean)
Rp 1.545.000
IMO Tab Y-One
MTK 6515, ARMv7 1GHz, TFT Capacitive Touchscreen, 7.0", 480x800 pixel, 512 MB RAM, 512 ROM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS v4.0
Rp 1.050.000
Nvidia Tegra 3, Quad-core 1.2 GHz Cortex-A9 GPU ULP GeForce Sensors, IPS LCD, capacitive touchscreen 7", 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.1
Rp 6.625.000
Nvidia Tegra 3 T30 CPU Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A9, GPU ULP GeForce, TFT capacitive touchscreen, 1366x768 pixels, 10.6", 32GB storage, 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, GPS, Microsoft Windows RT.
Rp 7.900.000
Nvidia Tegra 2 T20, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels, 10.1", 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, GPS, Android OS, v3.2 (Honeycomb).
Rp 1.900.000
Apple A6 Dual-core, PowerVR SGX554, Sensors Accelerometer, gyro, compass, LED-backlit IPS TFT, capacitive touchscreen, 1536x2048 pixels, 9.7", 16 GB storage, 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, iOS 6
Rp 6.800.000
Apple A5, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, GPU PowerVR SGX543MP2 Sensors Accelerometer, gyro, compass, LED-backlit IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 768x1024 pixels, 7.9", 16GB storage, 512 MB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, iOS 6
Rp 5.800.000
Exynos 4412, CPU Quad-core 1.4 GHz, GPU Mali-400MP, PLS TFT capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels, 10.1", multi-touch, Samsung TouchWiz UI, 16GB storage, 2GB RAM, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.0.3 ICS
Rp 6.400.000
Nvidia Tegra 3, CPU Quad-core 1.3 GHz Cortex-A9, GPU ULP GeForce, TFT capacitive touchscreen, 1280 x 800 pixels, 10.1", multi-touch, 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, GPS, Camera, Android OS, v4.0.3 ICS
Rp 4.700.000
Apple A5X, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, PowerVR SGX543MP4, 32GB storage, 1GB RAM, LED-backlit IPS TFT, capacitive touchscreen, 1536x2048 pixels 9.7", Multitouch, Scratch-resistant glass, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, iOS 5.1
Rp 7.300.000
NVIDIA® Tegra™ 2 Dual-Core 1GHz processor, 32GB storage, 1GB RAM, IPS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels 10.1", Multitouch, Corning Gorilla Glass, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, Camera, Android OS, v3.1
Rp 7.500.000
TI OMAP 4430, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, PLS TFT capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels 10.1" Corning Gorilla Glass, 32GB storage, 1GB RAM,  Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, Camera, Android OS, v4.0.3
Rp 4.850.000
TI OMAP 4430, Dual-core 1 GHz Cortex-A9, GPU PowerVR SGX540, 32 GB storage, 1 GB RAM, 600 x 1024 7" TFT capacitive touchscreen, Bluetooth, Camera, Audio, Video, Wifi, GPS, BlackBerry tablet OS
Rp 2.750.000
Qualcomm MSM7227 600 MHz, 600x1024 pixels, 7.0" TFT capacitive touchscreen, 4 GB storage, 512 MB RAM, Android OS, v2.2 (Froyo), 3G, GPS, Bluetooth, Camera, Audio, Video, Wifi
Rp 1.575.000
TI OMAP 4430, CPU Dual-core 1 GHz, GPU PowerVR SGX540, PLS LCD capacitive touchscreen, 600x1024 pixels 7.0", Vibration, 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi, 3G, Bluetooth, Camera, Android OS, v4.0.3
Rp 3.845.000
Dual-core 1GHz ARM Cortex-A9 processor, ULP GeForce GPU, NVIDIA Tegra, PLS TFT capacitive touchscreen, 800x1280 pixels 10.1", Corning Gorilla Glass - TouchWiz UX UI, Three-axis gyro sensor - Touch-sensitive controls, 16GB storage, 1GB RAM, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Camera, Android OS, v3.0
Rp 4.450.000
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Sumber : http://napsters91.blogspot.com